Man, some things never change. Like the State Fair. You know that you'll always find certain things at the State Fair. You'll always find funnel cakes. You'll always find gigantic pigs or the world's biggest alligator. You'll always find Journey playing in the background. You'll always find The Zipper, 'ya know that carni ride that makes you sick to your stomach EVERY time. And most importantly, the State Fair will always be ghettofied. The funny thing is, most of us would complain about how ghettofied the Fair is but, at the same time, would be really disappointed if we went to the Fair only to find that all the ghetto had been taken out. I mean, the whole State Fair experience wouldn't be the same without Journey blaring in the background. It wouldn't be as fun. I guess sometimes you have to be careful about what you complain about. There's this guy in my program at school. His name's Sheldon, and it seems like this dude is in EVERY one of my classes. Plus he works in the same building I do, so I'm always bumping into Sheldon. Sheldon's super nice but VERY chatty. I'm not too chatty most of the time, so I think Sheldon is mystified by my lack of willingness to start up conversations with him during class. This, however, does not stop him from finding a seat next to me in every class and trying to chat it up throughout the whole three hours of course lecture time. Yes, Sheldon likes to try and spark up conversations with the people around him while the professor is lecturing. So chatty. So I find myself complaining about Sheldon sometimes. But the other day, Sheldon was absent from one of my classes. And guess what? Class wasn't half as entertaining without him there. Like at work, there's this kid named Matt that is the goofiest kid I've ever met. He's like the little brother I never had. Super annoying on purpose and with a bad case of ADD to boot. This kid seriously could not sit still and shut-up to save his life. So when I first started my job, I thought I was gonna go crazy with this kid around all the time. But now I realize that I'd go crazy if Matt wasn't there. This goofy kid's the only good thing about my job. Well him and the tuition waiver I get every semester. I'd die of boredom everyday if it weren't for him. Plus, Matt has no qualms about talking openly about his religion to anybody who comes along, which I find really refreshing. Goofy Kid (GK) is a fellow member of the LDS faith and he keeps on trying to get me to read Jesus the Christ by James Talmage. I've never read it before but am going to try sometime soon. GK also told me the other day that Albert Einstein was good friends with James Talmage back in the day and once told a reporter that he thought Talmage was the smartest person he knew. I am a little skeptical about this piece of trivia and told GK to go home and check his sources. He told me he'd check and get back to me...I'm sure he will. Speaking of smart people, Anderson Cooper is on the cover of USA Weekend. I found out he was on the cover when trying to ask Ruth a question earlier today. I forget what my question was, but I remember that Mom totally disregarded it and without looking up from the paper said, "Uhh, hold on, I need to finish this article on Anderson Cooper." This cracked me up so hard. Ruth has always had a crush on Anderson Cooper.

Ever since Anderson Cooper started becoming big on CNN, Ruth's been like, "Wow, that Anderson Cooper's really got it together." Or, "That Anderson Cooper's so grounded, even though his mom's Gloria Vanderbilt." And while watching the recent political conventions on TV, Ruth would be sure to direct our attention to any supposedly funny remark Anderson Cooper would make. My mom totally has a crush on Anderson Cooper, always has it seems like. So the State Fair's always going to be ghetto, Sheldon's always going to be chatty, GK's always gonna have ADD, and Ruth will always have a crush on Anderson Cooper. These are things that, at face value, seem a bit annoying or unsettling but actually are some of the good things in life. I would miss all those things if they were gone. Just like I'm kinda missing the old look of my blog. Oh well, the new blog is still me, just a more purpley me.
Girl - I like this blog better. Does mom know that Anderson is gay? Poor mom...
I like the new blog! Excellent work. The header pic is really cute. I went to the fair too, it was especially awesome for me this year. Ghetto for sure as always. Tim was going to wear this shirt that mocks mullets, and I was like, uhhh... do you know WHERE we're going??
I love that picture of you. I like the new look. And you're right about mom. I remember she tried to get me to read some book written by Anderson Cooper a few years ago. I bet she'll let you borrow it if you ask.
What? I thought I left a comment here already...
There is NOTHING wrong with a little Anderson Cooper crushin. (are we all SURE he's gay?)
and girl, I like the purple. (I also love the feeling of doing something interwebby without having to consult my technical support team. ;)
That picture of you is great. I have always been impressed with your blog design. Mine's kinda boring and template-y.
I don't know if I ever had a crush on Anderson Cooper, but I always thought he had one of the best names on television. He's wearing way too much makeup in that picture.
There's nothing better than the genuine establishment of consistency in our lives. Thanks for your stalwart friendship and kinship to Mel and me.
I love the picture! Way cool...and the purple is awesome.
And I love that your mom has a crush on Anderson Cooper. Your mom is awesome...haha
wow, I haven't checked in for a while. Love the purple blog and LOVE the picture of you!
and seriously... AC is gay? Man, what planet have I been living on?
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