Sunday, October 12, 2008


Yesterday Rob and I went to Snowbird and took the tram up. Once we arrived at top, it came as no surprise to find snowy weather conditions, freezing temperatures, and 100% pure awesomeness. I couldn't feel my fingers after a few minutes up there and didn't stop shivering for a couple hours after coming back down, but the trip was totally worth it. I love going up there.

Mountain Air Makes You Happy.

When we got back down, I decided to take one last photo of the exceptional view...And yes, by exceptional view I mean Rob's backside.


Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

I like how you can see the fall colors through the mist in the second picture. It is always fun to go up the tram, but yeah, it looks brrr.

Maria said...

I am so glad there were not any injuries this time around. You need to pass along a pic of Rob's face.

Melanie said...

Those pictures were amazing! The mountains are really beautiful. I bet it really was freezing comes winter!

The Arnell's said...

That is beautiful!! Mon you have such an amazing life. I am so proud of ALL that you have been through and accomplished. I am grateful for your friendship.