I'm getting crow's feet. Yes, it's true. They say that crow's feet are usually the first kind of wrinkles that show up for women. And they usually make their appearance around the age of thirty. Yes, it's true. I feel old today. Cross your fingers that the feeling will pass sooner than later. I'm sure it will. I mean, I act like a child 99% percent of the time, so it is inevitable that this "old lady" feeling I'm having will go away quickly. Please enjoy this poem that I just read out of my giant book of poetry. I've been reading my giant book for quite a while this afternoon while it's been raining outside...very "old lady" of me, don't you think? But you don't have to be an old lady to like this poem, so check it out.
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
Darest Thou Now O Soul
Darest thou now O soul,
walk out with me toward the unknown region,
where neither ground is for the feet
nor any path to follow?
No map there, nor guide,
nor voice sounding, nor touch of human hand,
nor face with blooming flesh, nor lips,
nor eyes, are in that land.
I know it not O soul,
nor dost thou, all is a blank before us,
all waits undreamed of in that region,
that inaccessible land.
Till when the ties loosen,
all but the ties eternal, Time and Space,
nor darkness, gravitation, sense,
nor any bounds bounding us.
Then we burst forth, we float,
in Time and Space O soul, prepared for them,
equal, equipped at last, (O joy! O fruit of all!)
them to fulfill O soul.
Please, you do not have wrinkles...
Your "wrinkles" must be super sneaky masters of disguise...
what? I don't believe it, you look fantastic...and in my experience aging is super sexy, I've never looked better then now at 34 and I'm planning to keep going in that direction until at least 55. Jump on board.
We all have those "I feel old days."
And you'll be fine. Luckily all you Merrill girls are gorgeous and will age rather gracefully, but you don't need to worry about aging for awhile.
Wrinkles?! Are you kidding? You look fantastic.
Do not tell me you feel old, just after being asked if you were Melinda's daughter!
THANKS Leesh...I almost forgot about that...see Monica I don't want to hear it! HAAAA!
*Gasp* A whole month since your last post? What's the dealio with that? Your loyal fan base demands an update!
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