I very much enjoyed meeting my future husband this morning. I met him during the time in between wakefulness and deep sleep, the time in the early-morning when I seem to have my most vivid dreams. The dream seemed to begin at an airport. I had my luggage and was waiting to be picked up. When I saw him I had an overwhelming feeling of relief come over me. And I was happy that it was him picking me up and not someone else. I knew that he loved me when he gave me a hug. When he hugged me, I knew that it was not out of obligation or routine. It felt very real, and I loved him back. It’s funny how the feelings you have in a dream can seem so real when you’re in it, and they linger sometimes even after you wake up. After the hug, we were suddenly at our apartment. Yes, even in my dreams I don’t have my own house. Anyway, a couple of our friends were there to welcome me home. Our two friends were Kayla and Evan from that TV show So You Think You Can Dance. Kayla handed me a big box of the most delicious chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever seen. I thanked her and suddenly I was alone in the apartment with my husband. We were sitting together next to this huge window in our living room. Looking out the window, I could see nothing but ocean. My husband had me in his arms as he asked me about how my long trip went. I don’t remember our conversation, but I do remember that this guy seemed like a refuge for me. I didn’t have butterflies in my stomach like the movies say you’re supposed to have when you’re with someone you love. I wasn’t left breathless with weak knees and stars in my eyes. Nope, I just remember feeling completely comfortable and safe with him. If I had any sort of drawing talent I would try to sketch my husband for you now. I’m telling you, this dream was so vivid, I actually remember his face, sort of. He looked a bit like Javier Bardem but not quite as conventionally handsome. His teeth weren’t completely straight, but they weren’t too crooked to not be charming. He had very short, almost buzzed dark hair and olive skin, like mine. I knew that he was the love of my life when he asked me if I wanted to share a chocolate chip cookie with him. He had just taken my hand in his when I woke up. I almost started crying. He was gone. And I had to get up and get ready for church. So there you have it. If you didn't know before about what a hopeless romantic I am, you know it now for sure. Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless.
Oh, that is so romantic. I love that! And if he's anything like you describe, you'll make a gorgeous couple. Lucky guy!
I think the reason our blog wasn't updating was because I had set it to private. I switched it back last night, just to see.
Well, even though you had an apartment, at least it had an ocean view. That isn't too shabby. :) Now if your future husband really looks like that you have it all documented and can prove you are psychic. Being a hopeless romantic is the best, a lot more fun than cynical.
why did that almost make me cry?
love you girl.
you need to begin your novel NOW. You need a way to afford that beach front condo anyway. Would your pen name be M. Merrill or will the world know you simply as MONICA?
Love ya!
Wow Mon, that i an interesting dream!
I wonder if those strong feelings will come back to you when you do meet the one.
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