I don’t do very well in large groups. I’m usually much more comfortable in a one-on-one type of situation. One time I drove to the local movie theatre to meet up with my good friend Dave and about a couple hundred of his pals. Upon arrival it became clear to me that Dave was the only person I knew out of everyone making up his gigantic crowd. I was actually coping with this situation until I took my seat in the theatre. Dave sat down to my right and one of his girlfriends was sitting down to my left. Dave was nice enough to introduce me to this girl before he got up to go to the snack bar. At that point I said hi to my new acquaintance and offered to share my box of Junior Mints with her. She said no thanks to the Junior Mints (What kind of person says no to JMs?!) and then proceeded to ask, “So, how do you know Dave?” Little did the girl know that this question is one of my top ten least favorite questions of all time. So, how do you know So-And-So? Aside from a formal job interview sort of situation, I think posing this particular question is not only arbitrary but also completely useless in obtaining any meaningful information about someone you’re really trying to get to know. Well I met him while waiting in line at Café Rio about two years ago. So what! Because of my low opinion of the question, I quickly deduced that this girl wasn’t trying to get to know me at all. So I took the low road and replied by telling her that I was Dave’s 2nd cousin from Las Cruces. I guess I had New Mexico on my mind that night. This answer seemed to satisfy her curiosity as she didn’t ask me any other questions after that. I know that fibbing was more than a little bit childish of me, but I was annoyed and had a feeling that I wouldn’t be seeing more of this girl in the future…She didn’t strike me as the type that enjoys associating with people from Las Cruces.
Yes! I have been waiting for a blog post and you NEVER disappoint. I love your reply to random girl and yes, I hate that question too. We need to work through this crowd issue with you, though. My favororite is still the Wendy's line, 4th of July...can't stop laughing thinking about it! HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Oh, man, I hate big groups too. Probably one reason I so adamantly did not want a baby shower. Very small groups or one on one is much better. I'm either bored in large groups or feel stressed out and can't figure out what to say. Terrible.
Monica, I totally would have eaten your Junior Mints.
I so agree with the big groups thing. I guess I'm just lazy, because I think it takes too much energy, so I tend to check out. Unless it's a family thing... particularly your's and John's family... because usually it's just funner to listen to all of you. You guys are hysterical.
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