Monday, May 2, 2011

Redneck Golf and Rhinos

Who knew that I'd end up freezing my butt off while camping in Arizona? Not I. I used to love going up into the Uintas to camp during the summers when I lived in Utah. You were guaranteed freezing cold nights while up in the Uintas. I didn't imagine that I'd come across the same type of thing in Arizona. Good thing I have a decent sleeping bag, because I definitely needed it this past weekend. A bunch of us went up to the Mogollon Rim to camp. Our campsite was near Bear Canyon Lake up there, and it was beautiful. It was cold, too. It's a bit early to go camping up there, but that didn't stop us from having a good time. I'm really glad I was able to go up. I almost forgot how much I love camping, especially staying up late and sitting by the campfire. My camera decided to die about halfway through the trip so I wasn't able to get any footage of Karen at the lake catching her first fish! It's time for a new camera finally...I'll just add that item to my growing list of things I need to purchase, right underneath "new white iPhone" and "plane ticket to Hawaii." Here's the stuff I was able to capture with my camera before it went kaput.

Hanging out after breakfast on Saturday

Greg and Chad cleaning up after making breakfast burritos and chorizo for everyone. So good!

Karen and Dan playing catch

Starting up a round of redneck golf

Amy teaching me how to play redneck golf. I got pretty good after a little coaching. Amy's my visiting teacher and always has the best stories to tell. It was lots of fun having her around the campfire late at night.

View from the rim.

Here's some super compressed footage of a ride I took on Chad's quad. I had never been on one of these things before and had lots of fun. It felt like I was on a roller coaster. We rode it to the top of the rim to check out the view.


Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

Oooh, that looks like a beautiful area. Are you really going to go to Hawaii? I've always wanted to, but never was able to convince myself to spend the cash. It would probably be worth it though!

Aleesha said...

I'm so glad that you're blogging again. Maybe it'll inspire me to keep mine updated.

I'm so happy that you tried yoga! That's the one thing that I REALLY look forward to every week. It's such a good work out and it's such a soul cleanser.

Your camping trip looked fun. Was it a singles ward thing or just a bunch of friends?

Can't wait to see you next week!!! Which by the way, Mandy is selling T armbands for people to wear on the day of the race, do you want one? They're $5 and all the extra $ goes to a family in Texas whose also going through esophageal cancer.