Here we are prepping for an important meeting we recently had with one of our very high-profile clients...

Here we are on the phone with the aforementioned high-profile client, conducting some extremely cut-throat negotiations...

And here we are after the meeting, feeling confident and ready to take on the next big client...

But on occasion, when the time calls for it, you just have to leave your classiness behind, forget about being polite, and stop worrying about that respectable job of yours...Sometimes you just have to let your inner white trashiness shine through...

Here are a couple more highlights from our Halloween celebration at work...

Halloween's so much fun, I think it should come along twice a year. Have fun trick or treating you crazy kids!
it's too bad you have to be so stressed out at work. maybe you could have gotten whoever was taking the stressful photos to chip in a little.
i love being here on this here blog bytheway.
Who's that hansom painter guy? Great post Monica!
Girl - your costume was awesome! Where did you get those flame tights?! HA!
Looking back, Halloween was pretty awesome at the office! Great blog, Monica!
Only twice a year? I think we should change casual Friday to dress-up-like-it's-Halloween Friday.
Glad to see someone enjoyed Halloween this year. The closest thing I got to it being Halloween was riding my bike past a Costume and Goods shop on the way to work in the morning... but something about the "NO CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18" sign and the risky silhouette on the sign out front leads me to believe that it's probably not really a place I should go visit either.
HA! Love the cabbage patch kid accessory!
You look hilarious girl. And I'm with Maria, point me where to go to get those tights.
I don't know if I can emotionally handle your blog. I cried all the way through your first and just about pee'd my pants laughing at the Halloween post. You're the bomb!
Nice blog Monica! And nice job on the black eye. You looked great.
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