Sunday, August 2, 2009

San Antone

Melinda, Jason, and Isaiah were sealed together as a family in the San Antonio temple about a week ago. I am so lucky to have been able to be there to witness the sealing. The whole experience was very special, and I'm so happy to be a part of such a great family. I loved every minute I was down in Texas. The trip was fantastic.

Here we are at the temple after the sealing. We all wished Matt and Leesh were able to be there with us, but the long trip to San Antonio is a bit too much when you have four little ones to bring along with you.

Jason, Melinda, and Isaiah chillin' at the pool during the trip.

Melinda and her baby at the pool


Melanie said...

San Antonio was so fun! I loved spending time with everyone too. And the sealing was very special to witness.

Maria said...

Tejas was great! It was worth every penny ;)

Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

New blog posts! It sounds like a fun trip to San Antonio! Spending time by the pool looks like such a good time.