This past week I found out that I got accepted into Weber State's Master of Education program. I'm really excited about starting school at Weber State, or Webes as I affectionately call it. I haven't been in school for so long that I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna handle it. I mean, I found out I got in and was really happy about it right after I heard, but then a couple minutes later I started feeling a little bit terrified about the whole thing. I had this "Oh man, what have I gotten myself into" type of feeling. There are so many things I need to do before school starts, and I have about a month to do it. So tomorrow morning I'm planning on going up to campus to figure a few things out. I haven't even had time to buy the proper school supplies. My old Trapper Keeper is completely wrecked...Its velcro is totally not sticking the way it should, so I'll probably head on over to the store to pick up a couple new ones tomorrow. Oh, I need a new pencil box and some more highlighters, 'cause I love highlighting things. You know, the simple act of starting a list of necessary school supplies is making me feel a lot better already...This master's program is gonna be a piece of cake. Speaking of cake, I figure that if I end up hating the program at Webes, I can always sign up for some culinary arts classes at the Art Institute down in Draper. Maria recently reminded me of my long-time dream of becoming a famous chef, so I'm leaning on culinary arts as my Plan B. It's always a good idea to have a Plan B, right?
You'll be fine! Its Weber state. You get a B+ just by going to class.
Congrats Monica! Good for you for getting your Masters. You'll do great.
Congratulations girl!
(I heart Trapper Keepers)
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