Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Worst Nightmare Realized

I wrote this about a week ago but decided not to post it 'cause it was so nightmareish. But now I've decided to post it, 'cause I feel like my fellow Jordan Catalano fans have a right to know. I realize that Jordan, eh, I mean Jared gained all this poundage a while ago, but the question of the day is: Has he shrunk back to his old self...his Jordan Catalano self? Is there anyone else out there as disturbed by this photo as I am? Prolly not. This photo rocked my world, people, rocked it.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no. Can this be? Yeah, I'll give you a second to process this one while I pray for this photo to turn out to be a digitally enhanced fake. Oh gosh, Jared Leto (aka Jordan Catalano) has become morbidly obese. And for what, Jared, for what? Some lame-o movie? Jared, I, along with countless other girls who attended high school during the mid-nineties were already in love with you even though you couldn't f'ing read. You didn't have to go and gain all that extra poundage in order to prove yourself. This is truly my worst nightmare realized. How will I sleep tonight?

As a memento of better days...


Maria said...

Girl- don't worry, I'm sure he is just trying to prove himself as a legit actor and gained some poundage...you know, devotion to the role or whatever.

Monica said...

Girl, thanks for your comment...it is a bit reassuring. And did you add in the "whatever" to your last sentence on purpose?...'cause that is EXACTLY what Angela Chase would've said. :)

Melanie said...

That picture just is not right!

Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

Oh, I know, I've seen his weight gain pictures already. I sure hope he loses it too. Although, did you know he is in some fancy band these days? I bet he loses it, cuz he'd look foolish rolling around the stage singing with his black eye liner on.

Lisa said...

wierd. kinda out of this world.

Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

I saw a picture of him recently and he is looking skinny again. Just wanted to take that heavy burden off of your shoulders!

Monica said...

Oh thank you, Tess! This is the best news I've heard all week. :)