They don't fit me right. I've always had a hard time finding shades that fit me. I end up buying sunglasses, only to have them start slipping down the bridge of my nose shortly after the purchase. I try to avoid getting ones that don't fit me by doing the head shaking test in the store before I buy, but that doesn't seem to prevent the slippage later on. Anyway, I recently got myself a new pair of shades. This time, I was sure to get the kind that plaster themselves right onto my face and wrap around real nice and tight. These babies aren't goin' anywhere...I hope.

When I went out in search of a new pair of sunglasses, my aim was to avoid getting really big ones. I tried on lots of pairs but somehow ended up getting another huge pair of shades. Like the great Jessica Alba once said when talking about her oversized sunglasses, "I never felt right in small ones."
So. Since I have my new pair of wrap-arounds, I want to get rid of the Spys that don't fit me. If you want the Spys, just comment and I'll send 'em to you. If more than one person comments by the time I post again (next Wednesday prolly), I'll choose the winner by way of a random drawing. I'll let you know who gets the Spys next week. Just keep in mind the problem I had with the slippage. If you've also struggled with this problem in the past, these may not be the shades for you.
no comments? sure, i'll take 'em.
I want them!
Oooo, pick me!
I think you should keep them, they look good on you.
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